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2023 ANZCA and FPM CPD Program Handbook

The CPD handbook includes information about requirements, activities, guidelines and forms.

2024 ANZCA NZ submission to MBIE on Workplace Health and Safety

2024 ANZCA NZ submission to MBIE on Workplace Health and Safety


PS45(G) Position statement on patients' rights to pain management and associated responsibilities

This document describes ANZCA’s statement on the rights that patients have for pain management

ANZCA NZ submission to MoH on suicide prevention

ANZCA NZ submission to MoH on suicide prevention

Always Ready - Tips For Sharing Your Story



FPM SOT nomination form

Faculty of Pain Medicine supervisor of training nomination form.

Reg 29 - Readmission to membership of the college (and fellowship)

This regulation details the process for readmission to ANZCA membership (fellowship) for individuals whose membership was terminated, lapsed, or ceased. Applicants must provide statements on conduct, meet financial obligations, and follow re-entry guidelines if returning to pr...

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