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2023 Inquiry into healthcare funding in NSW

College submission to the Special Commission of inquiry into healthcare funding in New South Wales.

FPM Exams Special Consideration Application Form

FPM by-law 14 - Administrative Orders

By-law 14 allows the Faculty of Pain Medicine Board to establish administrative orders for effective governance, covering meetings, elections, administration, and fellowship.

ANZCA Annual Report 2019


SIMG assessment process CV form


DHM exam application form

Apply to sit the Certificate of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine exam.

PG13(PM) Guideline on return to pain medicine practice for SPMPs 2023

Guideline to advise specialist pain medicine physicians whose absence from clinical pain medicine practice requires or will require a formal return to practice program.

FPM Procedures Endorsement Program Handbook

This handbook outlines the pathways and processes for endorsement in pain medicine procedures through the Procedures Endorsement Program.


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