FPM by-law 8 - Annual Business Meeting of the faculty
This document specifies the scheduling, notification, and agenda for the Faculty of Pain Medicine's Annual Business Meeting. Held annually within fifteen months of the previous meeting, fellows receive 21 days' notice. Agenda items include the dean’s report, financial report, ...
ANZCA Handbook for Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Training
ANZCA Handbook for Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Training
ANZCA MCNZ Expedited Pathway Consultation lodged.
College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand’s proposed expedited pathway for registration in the vocational scope of practice.
FPM Procedural Supervisor application form
FPM fellows who are experienced in pain medicine procedures and have scope and case load to support an endorsee are invited to apply to become an accredited procedural supervisor.
Clinical audit guideline
Clinical audit guideline
PS02(A)BP Position statement on credentialling and defining scope of clinical practice in anaes BP
PS02(A)BP Position statement on credentialling and defining the scope of clinical practice in anaesthesia BP
Long Case Assessment Guidance Notes For Units