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Open letter to Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Home Affairs

Open letter – Doctors call on the Australian Government to immediately release Biloela Family from detention.

ROSI introduction

ROSI intro: Good opioid stewardship will ensure that there is a plan for the reduction and cessation of any opioid that is commenced for the management of acute pain and that the risks associated with inappropriate use are minimised.


RPL electronic logbook

ESN Terms of reference

ANZCA Annual Report 2016

PS64(G) Position statement on environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and pain medicine practice

To affirm ANZCA’s commitment to minimising the health impact of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability, to serve as a resource for clinicians to promote environmentally sustainable practices in their workplace, to assist healthcare facilities in embedding su...

Safety and Quality Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Safety and Quality Committee.

PS57(A)BP Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists Background Paper

This document provides background to the ANZCA guidelines on best practice regarding anaesthetist duties


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