FPM Procedural Supervisor application form
FPM fellows who are experienced in pain medicine procedures and have scope and case load to support an endorsee are invited to apply to become an accredited procedural supervisor.
Education Executive Management Committee terms of reference
Terms of reference for the Education Executive Management Committee.
Advisory statement on the storage of propfol in clinical settings
Jointly developed between ANZCA and NZ ministry of Health. Published in 2019
PG49(G) Guideline on the health of specialists, SIMGs and trainees
To assist specialists, SIMGs, and trainees with issues related to their health and wellbeing. It is also intended to assist healthcare facilities to develop systems that provide the necessary support
SRA audit evaluation
This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor to evaluate the audit written report completed by the trainee.
SRA evaluation critical appraisal of a paper
This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a paper undertaken by the trainee.
SRA evaluation critical appraisal of a topic
This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a topic undertaken by the trainee.
Wellbeing SIG RD Guidelines 2020
Wellbeing SIG - resource document guidelines
PS59(A)BP Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care Background Paper
This document provides background to ANZCAs statement on the framework for the roles and responsibilities for anaesthetist roles.