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ANZCA Educators Program (AEP)

Learn to teach with the ANZCA Educators Program.

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Environmental sustainability

The healthcare sector is highly interconnected with activities that emit pollution to air, water and soils, resulting in a significant ecological footprint and contribution to anthropogenic climate change.

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Protecting your data

Everything you need to know about single-sign on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and how we're keeping your data safe.

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About the foundation

Learn more about the foundation’s vision and mission, and our initiatives with Indigenous communities and overseas aid work.

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Apply for an ANZCA research grant

Every year, we make grant funding available to fellows and trainees who are novice, emerging or established researchers, for studies in anaesthesia, intensive care, pain or perioperative medicine.

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Developing Australian Standards for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education

Information and updates about the faculty's project to develop national standards for health practitioner pain management education.

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Digital health

Digital health is becoming increasingly important in our healthcare system

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Professional documents

Our professional documents, statements and guidelines are crucial for promoting the safety and quality of patient care for those undergoing anaesthesia for surgical and other procedures and for those receiving pain medicine treatment.

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Wellbeing SIG

The aim of the Wellbeing SIG is to promote personal wellbeing and to heighten awareness of wellbeing issues in anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. The group is an informative, educative and referral group; it has no therapeutic role.

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SIMG preliminary review (SPR)

The SPR is prepared for all applicants in Australia and summarises the initial assessment of an SIMG’s suitability to enter the SIMG process.

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