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2023 FPM Spring Meeting HCI Prospectus

2023 FPM Spring Meeting healthcare industry prospectus.

Draft clinical governance framework

College feedback on the New Zealand Health Quality and Safety Commission’s draft clinical governance framework.

Peer support groups guideline

Peer support groups guideline

RGA Accreditation Handbook

Rural Generalist Anaesthesia Accreditation Handbook.

ROSI SNAP Assessment

In July 2023, the process for hospitals to achieve accreditation and demonstrate compliance with the NSQHS standards changed from scheduled visits to the Short Notice Assessment Program (SNAP).

ANZCA submission HDC FV sig

College feedback on the Health and Disability Commissioner review of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act and the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.

SA Health Climate Change Framework - Response from ANZCA

College feedback on the SA Health South Australian health climate change framework.

FPM Board Member Attributes

FPM Board Member Attributes

GDC Strategic Priorities 2023-2027

Global Development Committee strategic priorities paper 2023-2027

ANZCA Professionalism and Performance Guide 2024

A performance framework for anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians to help in improving their practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, and pain medicine.

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