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Royal Darwin 20200906


Barwon Health 07072020

Summary of concessions 2020

ANZCA feedback on Consultation Regulation Impact Statement

4 April 2022 letter to NRAS Review Implementation Project Team, Victorian Department of Health

Educator Competency Framework

ANZCA Educator Competency Framework

FPM mentor database

Our FPM mentoring program aims to support pain medicine trainees and fellows during their training and/or early post-fellowship years.

PFY Anaesthetist 2024_170424

Anaesthesia Provisional Fellow, Royal Darwin Hospital

Independent review of overseas health practitioner regulatory settings – interim report

College feedback on the interim report of the independent review of overseas health practitioner settings.

TK4 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Participant information sheet (2 formats)

This participant information sheet is designed to assist with the ethics application and to be used as a guide. Please chose the most appropriate format depending on local ethics requirements.

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