Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline
Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline
2025 ASM Indigenous Health Committee sponsorship package guidelines
Guidelines for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori senior medical students and pre-vocational doctors applying for a sponsorship package to attend the 2025 ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.
Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline
Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline
ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine
ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine
Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - form
Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - form
Application for admission to fellowship
This form should be completed by trainees who are applying for fellowship with ANZCA.
Submission to TGA medicine labelling rules consultation
College submission to Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) consultation on medicine labeling rules.
Position statement on procedures in pain medicine
This document outlines the Faculty of Pain Medicine's commitment to setting standards, providing training, and promoting the judicious use of procedures in pain medicine. It emphasizes the importance of evidence-based practice, ongoing skill development, and collaboration with...