PG13(PM)BP Guideline on return to practice for SPMPs - background paper 2023
Justification for the guideline to advise specialist pain medicine physicians whose absence from clinical pain medicine practice requires or will require a formal return to practice program.
ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine handbook
ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine handbook
2024 Peri SIG HCI prospectus
Healthcare industry prospectus for the 2024 Perioperative Medicine SIG meeting
2024 World Congress of Prehabilitation Medicine HCI Prospectus
Healthcare industry prospectus
Reg 35 - ANZCA certificates and diplomas
This regulation guides the development, implementation and planning for sustainability of new qualification programs that recognise the attainment of special knowledge, skills and experience in areas of medicine related to the practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine an...
Reg 43 - ANZCA Awards
Describes the ANZCA awards that recognise exceptional contributions to anaesthesia, perioperative, and pain medicine. It details five awards - Robert Orton Medal, ANZCA Medal, ANZCA Citation, ANZCA Recognition, and ANZCA Star—covering eligibility, criteria, and types of servic...