PS40(G)BP Position statement on relationship between fellows, trainees and healthcare industry BP
This document outlines guidelines for fellows and trainees of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists regarding professional and ethical relationships with the healthcare industry.
CP25(G) Policy on endorsement of externally developed guidelines
This document outlines ANZCA's process for endorsing externally developed guidelines, providing a framework for assessing and approving guidelines that align with the college's mission of promoting safe and high-quality patient care in anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, and ...
FPM by-law 15 - Regional and National Committees
Australian regional committees and the New Zealand National Committee (NZNC) of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) are elected bodies that act as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the region or country and the FPM Board and Professional Standards Committee.
DHM placement VOP logbook
DHM placement VOP logbook
FPM Accreditation Handbook
This handbook contains policies and guidelines for units applying to undergo the FPM training unit
accreditation process and reviewers who will visit the units on behalf of the faculty. It should be read in conjunction with by-law 19.
Always Ready - Tips For Sharing Your Story