Our network of hospital sites and people
ANZCA clinical trials are facilitated at more than 130 sites, nationally and internationally, bringing together a network of world leaders in anaesthesia research.
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ANZCA Trainee Committee
The ANZCA Trainee Committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee and hence to the ANZCA Council on issues related to trainees and is governed by Regulation 16.
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Considering a career in anaesthesia?
Anaesthesia is one of the most rewarding and fascinating fields of medicine you can specialise in as a medical graduate.
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FPM Dean's Prize
The FPM Dean's Prize recognises the FPM fellow or trainee judged to have presented the most original pain medicine/pain research paper, of sufficient standard, at the free papers session of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.
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Wellbeing SIG
The aim of the Wellbeing SIG is to promote personal wellbeing and to heighten awareness of wellbeing issues in anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. The group is an informative, educative and referral group; it has no therapeutic role.
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About ROSI
Resources for Opioid Stewardship Implementation (ROSI) is a toolkit of resources developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians to assist organisations initiate or improve existing opioid stewardship programs.
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Trainee Academic Prize
Awarded to the ANZCA trainee (or fellow, within one year of fellowship) who is judged to have made the best contribution at the Trainee Academic Session held as part of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.
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FPM Best Free Paper Award
Awarded for original work judged to be the best contribution to the FPM free papers session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.
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ANZCA Prize Diploma of Anaesthesia - Papua New Guinea
Awarded to the candidate with the best overall performance to go into the Masters of Medicine program at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea.
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Environmental sustainability
The healthcare sector is highly interconnected with activities that emit pollution to air, water and soils, resulting in a significant ecological footprint and contribution to anthropogenic climate change.
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