Developing Australian Standards for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education
Information and updates about the faculty's project to develop national standards for health practitioner pain management education.
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Michael J Cousins Lecture
In recognition of the significant contributions of Professor Michael J Cousins FANZCA, FFPMANZCA to the field of pain medicine and his initiative to establish the Faculty of Pain Medicine, the faculty plenary session at the college's annual scientific meeting was named the Mic...
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Is a career in pain medicine right for me?
Pain medicine is a dynamic and rewarding career choice for specialists looking for a new challenge. Find out what it involves; where it can take you; and how to get started.
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Oral histories
Our oral history project captures the memories of people, places and events as told by important individuals within the specialties of anaesthesia and pain medicine. These interviews provide unique insights into people’s involvement in key events in the history of the two prof...
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Anaesthetic incident reporting
We oversee a range of incident reporting activities in Australia and New Zealand, including mortality reporting and webAIRS, to ensure that we continue to be two of the safest countries in the world to undergo anaesthesia.
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Gilbert Brown Prize
Awarded to the fellow judged to make the best contribution to the free research paper session named the Gilbert Brown Prize Session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).
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Essential Pain Management program
Unrelieved pain is a major global healthcare problem and its importance is often unrecognised. Adequate pain management results in fewer medical complications, earlier hospital discharge and improved quality of life.
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The Barbara Walker Prize
The Barbara Walker Prize for Excellence in the Pain Medicine Examination recognises the candidate who achieves the highest mark in the FPM fellowship examination. It is awarded to the top student at the discretion of the Court of Examiners.
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Merit list for the FPM fellowship exam
Candidates who achieve a mark in the top 10 per cent in the FPM fellowship exam are eligible for inclusion in the merit list.
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Chapter of Perioperative Medicine FAQs
Everything you need to know about the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine leading to a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, including the reasons for its development; the likely course structure, duration, and eligibility requirements; and the timeframes.
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