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Awarded grants and outcomes

Learn more about important work and research outcomes funded by the ANZCA Foundation.

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FPM Professional Affairs Executive Committee

The Professional Affairs Executive Committee (PAEC) oversees professional standards, scientific meetings and research activities.

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Request a literature search form

Literature searching involves capturing the key literature for a particular topic. ANZCA Library staff can assist users to search databases more effectively, or conduct a literature search on your behalf.

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Academic enhancement grant

The academic enhancement grant aims to foster the advancement of the academic disciplines of anaesthesia and/or pain medicine.

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Fund a Colleague’s Education

ANZCA supports the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists’ Global Fellowship Programme, which provides skilled anaesthesiologists through low-cost, high-quality training across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

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Annual workshop, events and webinars

Every year we run a strategic research workshop to collaborate on new research projects. We have an exciting program at the Annual Scientific Meeting as well as made recordings available of key educational sessions.

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Recognising excellence

Our awards, prizes and medals recognise achievements in areas such as the advancement and promotion of specialist medicine; exam performance; clinical research; education; and pastoral care.

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Novice investigator grants

We're helping to secure the future of research in anaesthesia, pain, and perioperative medicine by mentoring and supporting novice investigators on their journey to becoming established researchers.

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Project grants

Each year, we fund a wide range of projects in the field of basic scientific research, clinical investigation or epidemiological research.

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We offer two prestigious anaesthesia professorships. Explore the eligibility criteria, application process, entitlements, and past recipients.

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