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PG28(A)BP Guideline on infection control in anaesthesia Background Paper

Justification for the practice of anaesthesia is as safe as possible for patients, anaesthetists and other healthcare workers. Additionally justification for infection control aimed at minimising risks of infection is central to this aim.

PS62BP Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety Background Paper 2024

To provide background to ANZCAs position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety

PS64(G)BP Position statement on environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and PM practice BP

This document provides justification for ANZCAs statement on environmental sustainability in anaesthesia

Use of off label or drugs beyond licence in pain medicine

This document explores the clinical and legal implications of off-label and unlicensed drug use in medicine, specifically focusing on the role of pain medicine practitioners. It discusses the challenges and responsibilities associated with prescribing medications outside of th...

Reg 42 - Assessment of short-term training applications for anaesthesia and pain medicine for intern

This regulation defines the assessment process for short-term training (STT) applications in anaesthesia and pain medicine for international medical graduates (IMGs) in Australia. It includes eligibility criteria, application requirements, assessment guidelines, and conditions...

Blue Book 2011

PS01(PM) Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

RD 20 Substance Abuse 2016

ANZCA Policy on management of notifications

Policy on management of notifications


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