PADDI trial award media release
23 May 20222
MR Surgery risk factors 310123
FPM submission to Cannabis and driving in Queensland-community consultation 20231215
Faculty feedback on the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads community consultation on cannabis and driving.
Mapping the CPD program to ANZCA & FPM roles in practice
Mapping the CPD program to ANZCA & FPM roles in practice
TK1 - Gender equity survey toolkit - 10 steps
10 steps to administering an anaesthetic department gender equity survey.
Recognition pathway guidance document
This document outlines the proposed eligibility requirements, and provisions, available to medical practitioners with prior education and/or current practice in perioperative medicine (POM), for recognition (or “grandparenting”) of the graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative ...
SRA evaluation critical appraisal of a paper
This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a paper undertaken by the trainee.