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ALEPG final report 2021

ANZCA and FPM Accreditation and Learning Environment Project (ALEP) final report on accreditation of college training programs.

ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine

ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine



PADDI sleep study statistical analysis plan

Promoting good practice and managing poor performance in anaesthesia and pain medicine

Developed by Dr Rowan Thomas, Dr Elizabeth Feeney, Dr Marion Andrew, Dr Gary Hopgood and Dr Jordan Wood. Published in 2017.

PG06(A) Guideline on the anaesthesia record

Encourage best practice in the management and care of patients and define the standards. Guide the development and review of anaesthesia records to ensure they capture critical and relevant information. Provide guidance to all practitioners administering general anaesthesi...

PG15(POM)BP Guideline for the perioperative care of patients selected for day stay procedures BP

Justification for the assistance to practitioners and healthcare facilities in the perioperative care of patients presenting for day stay procedures.

PG49(G)BP Guideline on health of doctors BP (PILOT)

To assist specialists, SIMGs, and trainees with issues related to their health and wellbeing. It is also intended to assist healthcare facilities to develop systems that provide the necessary support.

PG13(PM) Guideline on return to pain medicine practice for SPMPs 2023

Guideline to advise specialist pain medicine physicians whose absence from clinical pain medicine practice requires or will require a formal return to practice program.

PS59(A) Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care

This statement provides a framework for discussions on the roles and responsibilities of health professionals in the anaesthesia and perioperative care teams.

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