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ANZCA submission HDC FV sig

College feedback on the Health and Disability Commissioner review of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act and the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.

2025 3SCTS Symposium & ICCVA/IACA

19 Nov 2025 - 22 Nov 2025 | ICC Sydney

Join us in Sydney for the 2025 Tri-Society Cardiac & Thoracic Symposium (3SCTS) in collaboration with ICCVA/IACA.

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Anaesthesia and Critical Care in Unusual and Transport Environments (ACCUTE) SIG

The executive of the ACCUTE SIG maintains ongoing internal communication, usually utilising electronic mediums and personal meetings at ACE events, to discuss matters related to the group's area of interest.

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2024 Rural SIG meeting HCI prospectus

2024 Rural SIG meeting healthcare industry prospectus.

2023 Obstetric Anaesthesia SIG meeting program

Program for the 2023 ACE Obstetric SIG meeting taking place in Sydney from 3-4 May 2023 as a satellite meeting to the 2023 ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.

2022 Combined SIG meeting HCI Prospectus

2023 Obstetric Anaesthesia SIG meeting - abstracts guidelines

2023 OA SIG - Michael Paech prize guidelines


2019 Airway Management SIG AFOI Topicalisation Sedation Booklet

Acute pain management forms

Acute pain services require a significant number of core forms that need regular updating. To help reduce the time acute pain services requires for this service, SIG members have provided these specimen forms for you to copy, trial, and adapt to local requirements.

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Airway leads networks

The Airway Management Special Interest Group (SIG) is developing a network of airway leads throughout the Australian healthcare sector. Members will work collaboratively to improve airway management in anaesthesia. A similar network already exists in New Zealand.

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