COVID-19 - information for trainees
We encourage all ANZCA trainees to refer to this list of potential impacts to education and training as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, first published on 24 March 2020.
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SIMG resources library guide
This guide has been designed to support SIMGs participating in the ANZCA SIMG program, and contains resources intended to help support the overall experience.
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Changes to Introductory Training in 2025
The ANZCA Training Program is moving towards a model of competency-based education as part of the training program evolution.
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Learn@ANZCA: Our online learning portal
Through Learn@ANZCA, we offer a wide range of free online courses and resources to support the personal and professional development of our fellows and trainees.
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Anaesthesia Continuing Education
Anaesthesia Continuing Education (ACE) is a partnership between ANZCA, the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists.
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Project ELEVATE begins: The future of our training management systems
We're thrilled to announce the official launch of Project ELEVATE phase 1, an innovative initiative to transform our training management system.
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Rural generalist anaesthesia (RGA) library guide
This guide contains resources tailored to support trainees participating in the RGA course. Includes clinical fundamentals, specialised study units, assessment, rural & remote practice, and other resources including apps, podcasts and videos.
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FPM assessment changes for 2025
Several key changes are coming to the FPM training program from 2025.
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Beyond City Limits ebook
You can now enjoy all six stories from our popular ANZCA Bulletin series 'Beyond City Limits' as an ebook.
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ANZCA ABC response anaesthesia billing
The college responded to an ABC online article ahead of publication on 1 May
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