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Have you had axillary lymph nodes removed during breast surgery?

Information on anaesthesia monitoring and other common medical procedures for patients who have undergone axillary surgery, including sentinel lymph node biopsy, targeted axillary dissection, and axillary clearance.

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Anaesthesia for joint surgery

Joint replacement surgery is a common and effective procedure for relieving disability due to severe joint pain and loss of function.

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ANZCA Recognition

Awarded in recognition of significant contributions at a regional level to anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and/or pain medicine.

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Anaesthesia and children

Children of all ages, including newborn babies, may require anaesthesia.

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CPD Evaluation 2023

CPD Evaluation 2023

Our clinical trials

More than 130 hospitals around worldwide are participating in our trials, bringing together leaders in anaesthesia research. Find out what we're working on and how your site can get involved, and explore the outcomes of our published trials.

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Patient resources

We've collated a range of resources for pain patients and their families.

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FPM Local long case marking criteria

Abstract writing for anaesthetists

Abstract writing for anaesthetists

FPM Dean's Prize

The FPM Dean's Prize recognises the FPM fellow or trainee judged to have presented the most original pain medicine/pain research paper, of sufficient standard, at the free papers session of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.

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