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Taking a career break and returning to anaesthesia practice

If you're planning to return to anaesthesia practice after a career break of 12 months or more, we strongly advise you to submit a “return to practice plan”. Find out what this involves and access the required documentation.

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Anaesthesia and children

Children of all ages, including newborn babies, may require anaesthesia.

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Our clinical trials

More than 130 hospitals around worldwide are participating in our trials, bringing together leaders in anaesthesia research. Find out what we're working on and how your site can get involved, and explore the outcomes of our published trials.

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Patient resources

We've collated a range of resources for pain patients and their families.

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FPM Best Free Paper Award

Awarded for original work judged to be the best contribution to the FPM free papers session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting. 

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The Barbara Walker Prize

The Barbara Walker Prize for Excellence in the Pain Medicine Examination recognises the candidate who achieves the highest mark in the FPM fellowship examination. It is awarded to the top student at the discretion of the Court of Examiners.

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Michael J Cousins Lecture

In recognition of the significant contributions of Professor Michael J Cousins FANZCA, FFPMANZCA to the field of pain medicine and his initiative to establish the Faculty of Pain Medicine, the faculty plenary session at the college's annual scientific meeting was named the Mic...

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FPM Dean's Prize

The FPM Dean's Prize recognises the FPM fellow or trainee judged to have presented the most original pain medicine/pain research paper, of sufficient standard, at the free papers session of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.

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Honorary ANZCA fellowship

From time-to-time, the ANZCA Council may confer honorary fellowship of the college on distinguished members of the medical profession, as well as other eminent individuals from outside the clinical community.

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Trainee Academic Prize

Awarded to the ANZCA trainee (or fellow, within one year of fellowship) who is judged to have made the best contribution at the Trainee Academic Session held as part of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.

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