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New CPD App now available!

You asked; we listened! The new ANZCA & FPM CPD App is available to download today.

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Changes to Introductory Training in 2025

The ANZCA Training Program is moving towards a model of competency-based education as part of the training program evolution.

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Update on NSW Special Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare Funding

A comprehensive review of the funding of health services in NSW, examining existing governance, health service funding and strategies for escalating costs (among other items).

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Anaesthesia workforce numbers

To address workforce shortages, particularly in rural areas, the Australian government has recommended the implementation of an expedited registration pathway for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs).

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2024.2 Primary Exam written results

The following candidates have met the criteria for invitation to the primary viva examination in October (14-16) 2024

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Beyond City Limits: Darwin

In September 2022, we visted Darwin to talk to specialist anaesthetists, trainees, and medical students about living and working in Australia's Top End.

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Beyond City Limits: Tasmania

For the Spring 2023 edition of the ANZCA Bulletin, we visited Tasmania to talk to anaesthetists and trainees who live and work there.

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Safety and quality update

New this month: Safety Alert – shortage of IV solutions; Contrave (naltrexone/bupropion); GLP-1 agonist guideline review; ANZCA library review Drug Information Guide EOI; WebAIRS alerts.

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SIMG stories: All the way to Albany

Dr Shireen Edmends is an anaesthetist living in Albany, Western Australia.

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PCIA - Replacing the former patient interaction component of the Final Exam Medical Viva

In 2025, the patient interaction component of the final exam medical viva will be re-introduced as the patient clinical interaction assessment (PCIA).

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