Frequently asked questions
Important information for all candidates participating in ANZCA exams, including our conditions of application and entry.
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College publications
Our publications keep members up-to-date and lift the profile of anaesthesia and pain medicine with policy makers and in the wider community.
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The Barbara Walker Prize
The Barbara Walker Prize for Excellence in the Pain Medicine Examination recognises the candidate who achieves the highest mark in the FPM fellowship examination. It is awarded to the top student at the discretion of the Court of Examiners.
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Merit list for the FPM fellowship exam
Candidates who achieve a mark in the top 10 per cent in the FPM fellowship exam are eligible for inclusion in the merit list.
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Faculty of Pain Medicine Prize
The undergraduate prize in pain medicine is awarded to the best medical student in pain medicine in either of the final two years of undergraduate medical training.
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Rural generalist anaesthesia exams
Rural Generalist Anaethesia trainees must successfully complete the multiple choice question examination (MCQs) and the RGA Standardised Structured Scenario-based Assessment (RGA-SSSA) during training.
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ANZCA's response letter to ABC's Four Corners episode “Pain Factory” 11-4-24
This letter to ABC management raises serious concerns about allegations of Medicare rorting by anaesthetists that aired on Monday 8 April in the ABC TV Four Corners episode “Pain Factory”.
ANZCA Pholcodine Statement September 2023
This statement has been prepared in response to the decision of the Australian Government
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to withdraw pholcodine-containing products from the market. Evidence shows that pholcodine consumption in the 12-month period prior to a general an...
Gender Metrics Report 2023
Gender Metrics Report 2023