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ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine participant toolkit

Fees, dates, and resources related to the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine..

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Cecil Gray Prize

The Cecil Gray Prize is awarded to the ANZCA trainee who achieves the highest marks in the ANZCA final exam.

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2024 World Congress of Prehabilitation Medicine program

Program for the 2024 World Congress of Prehabilitation and Perioperative Medicine in Melbourne, 3-5 October.

Smoking and anaesthesia factsheet

Resources for change

Resources contained within the ROSI have been developed by a team of multidisciplinary clinicians experienced in facilitating changes in opioid prescribing.

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Pain Medicine Discharge Plans

The Pain Medicine Discharge Plan is a patient resource aligned to meet the recommendations of the ACSQHC clinical care standard.

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Additional links and resources

Access a list of relevant and useful documents and websites to support development of opioid stewardship programs.

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About ROSI

Resources for Opioid Stewardship Implementation (ROSI) is a toolkit of resources developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians to assist organisations initiate or improve existing opioid stewardship programs.

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How do you measure?

Assessing the use of modified-release opioid analgesics within the facility is key to working towards compliance with Quality Statement 5 of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Clinical Care Standard

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SCV alerts: Syringe filters Minisart NML / Ophthalsart recall, Magnus 1180 Operating Table Column de

Safer Care Victoria has shared a number of alerts for medical devices

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