Apply for an ANZCA research grant
Every year, we make grant funding available to fellows and trainees who are novice, emerging or established researchers, for studies in anaesthesia, intensive care, pain or perioperative medicine.
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ANZCA CICM Dual Training Pathway FAQs
Everything you need to know about the proposed ANZCA CICM dual training pathway, including the reasons for its development, duration, eligibility requirements and the timeframes.
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Short-term training (STT) pathway
Applicants who wish to enter a short-term specialist anaesthetic training or pain training (STT) position in Australia must be assessed for the purpose of medical registration. This pathway does not lead to fellowship.
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Anaesthesia exams
In order to qualify as a specialist anaesthetist and become eligible for ANZCA fellowship, trainees need to successfully complete two exams. Each exam consists of a written and viva (oral and medical clinical) components. Some specialist international medical graduates will ne...
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Find out what we're doing to advocate for - and improve - inclusion and diversity in all areas of anaesthesia and pain medicine practice.
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Our clinical trials
More than 130 hospitals around worldwide are participating in our trials, bringing together leaders in anaesthesia research. Find out what we're working on and how your site can get involved, and explore the outcomes of our published trials.
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Anaesthesia research co-ordinators
Research co-ordinators are vital to the success of research departments. They provide the knowledge and expertise to perform critical roles in research and clinical trials. Find out how you can get involved.
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Dr Ray Hader Award for Pastoral Care
Named after Dr Ray Hader, a Victorian ANZCA trainee who died of an accidental drug overdose in 1998 after a long struggle with addiction, this award promotes compassion and a focus on the welfare of anaesthetists, other colleagues, patients and the community.
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Pain medicine exams
Find dates and locations of long-case assessments and FPM fellowship exams, as well as information on the format, marking criteria, and application fees and forms.
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FAQs about the anaesthesia training program
This page provides help with the most common questions about our anaesthesia training program.
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