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Handbook for specialist international medical graduates

This handbook has been written as a guide to support internationally trained anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians, and their supervisors, who are completing the specialist international medical graduate (SIMG) or area of need (AoN) pathways in Australia and New Zealand.


FPM by-law 3 - Fellowship of the faculty

Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine is a post-specialisation qualification. Admission to fellowship of the faculty is contingent upon the holding of a primary specialist qualification acceptable to the FPM Board.

ANZCA Annual Report 2016

ANZCA Annual Report 2017

Reg 28 - Removal of role holders, committee, subcommittee and working group members representatives




Awards nomination form

Use this form to nominate someone for the following awards and medals: Robert Orton Medal, ANZCA Medal, ANZCA Star, ANZCA Recognition, and ANZCA Council Citation.

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