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PS41(G)BP Position statement on acute pain management Background Paper

PS41(G)BP Position statement on acute pain management Background Paper

About ROSI

Resources for Opioid Stewardship Implementation (ROSI) is a toolkit of resources developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians to assist organisations initiate or improve existing opioid stewardship programs.

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PS04(A)BP Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit Background Paper

PS04(A)BP Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit Background Paper

How do you measure?

Assessing the use of modified-release opioid analgesics within the facility is key to working towards compliance with Quality Statement 5 of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Clinical Care Standard

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Gender equity

Gender equity has ethical, social, and economic benefits to our fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), and the broader community. Find out what we're doing...

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Short-term training pathway

Applicants who wish to enter a short-term specialist anaesthetic training or pain training (STT) position in Australia must be assessed for the purpose of medical registration. This pathway does not lead to fellowship.

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ANZCA Privacy Policy

The purpose of this policy is to communicate clearly the personal information handling practices of the College, in accordance with relevant legislation.

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Frequently asked questions about the RGA training program

Frequently asked questions about the Rural Generalist Anaesthesia training program

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PS45(G) Position statement on patients' rights to pain management and associated responsibilities

PS45(G) Position statement on patients' rights to pain management and associated responsibilities

PS08(A)BP Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist Background Paper

PS08(A)BP Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist Background Paper

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