Professor Laurence Weinberg

Professor Laurence Weinberg


Director of Anaesthesia - Austin Health

Professor Laurence Weinberg is the Director of Anaesthesia at Austin Health. He is a fulltime academic anaesthetist with clinical and research interests in complex cardiac, thoracics and major hepatobiliary-pancreatic-abdominal surgery, including liver and kidney transplantation. He serves as the Chairperson of the Human Research Ethics Committee at Austin Health and sits on several leadership, safety and governance committees. He has been the principal investigator for over 40 RCTs and is Chief Investigator for the BEST Fluid Study and the CLIP II trial, which has been awarded >Au$ 3M in NHMRC funding.

He has >200 PubMed listed peer-reviewed publications with primary research interests in health costs and outcomes after major surgery, perioperative fluid therapy, and advanced haemodynamic and cerebral monitoring. Over the last 10 years Dr Weinberg has presented his research and conducted haemodynamic workshops at more than 100 international and national meetings and conferences. His lecture will provide a contemporary overview of pragmatic strategies to protect the endothelial glycocalyx in the perioperative setting. Current research being conducted at Austin Health in this area will be overviewed.   

Last updated 22:51 28.08.2023