Dexamethasone brand change contains propylene glycol

In December 2022 the brand of dexamethasone 4mg per ml ampoules were changed from PanPharma to Hameln with the latter brand of containing propylene glycol as a preservative. Since this change there have been reports from various medical facilities that the inclusion of propylene glycol within Hameln brand of dexamethasone injection is inappropriate for use in some neonatal/paediatric patients and for some spinal and ophthalmic procedures due to potential harm.

At present there is a 5% DV limit applied to the Hameln brand dexamethasone which allows for other brands to be purchased in limited volumes. Additionally, Panpharma stock is still available in large quantities for use in situations in which Hameln brand use is not clinically appropriate.

More information can be found about the change on the Medsafe website here.

Last updated 16:13 17.04.2023