Faculty of Pain Medicine Board

The Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists is the professional organisation for specialist pain medicine physicians (fellows) and specialist pain medicine physicians in training (trainees).

The faculty is responsible for the training, examination and continuing education of specialist pain medicine physicians and for the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand. Formed in 1998, it was the first multidisciplinary medical academy in the world to be devoted to education and training in pain medicine.

The FPM Board oversees the activities of the faculty in accordance with the FPM by-laws and the college-wide strategic plan. The board comprises 12 fellows of FPM elected by the fellowship or nominated in accordance with by-law 1. The dean and vice-dean are elected by the board.

Order of appearance (left to right): Dr Amanda Wisely (former board member), Dr Tipu Aamir, Dr Scott Ma (former ANZCA Councillor), Prof Dave Story (ANZCA President), Dr Leinani Salamasina Aiono-Le-Tagaloa (FPM Vice-Dean), Dr Murray Taverner, Dr Dilip Kapur (FPM Dean), Prof Michael Veltman, Dr Noam Winter, A/Prof Susie Lord, Dr Irina Hollington, Ms Martina Otten (Executive Director FPM).  Not pictured: Dr Amrita Prasad (New Fellow)

Board members

FPM committees

FPM committees support the board in achieving its objectives in the training, examination and continuing education of specialist pain medicine physicians and in setting the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand.

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FPM by-laws

The by-laws govern the conduct and management of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. 

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Strategic plan

The ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025 guides our college-wide business activity. It's the result of comprehensive consultation and engagement within the ANZCA community and beyond. 

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FPM Board elections

All financial members of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) are eligible to both stand for and vote in the annual FPM elections.

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Last updated 10:53 20.09.2024