Dr Kieran Davis FFPMANZCA (NZ)

Dr Kieran Davis FFPMANZCA (NZ)

FPM Dean 

Dr Kieran Davis has been a pain medicine and anaesthesia specialist at Te Toka Tumai (Auckland City Hospital) for over 20 years. He is a graduate of Leeds University and he trained in anaesthesia in the North-West of England before undertaking further studies in pain medicine in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland). 

Kieran's clinical interests include complex regional pain syndrome, opioid avoidance and integrating the biological with the psychosocial approach to pain.

He was the first chair of FPM NZ National Committee, and has chaired the Examinations Committee, Training and Assessment Executive Committee and the Training Unit Accreditation Committee before becoming the Dean of the Faculty in May 2022.

Kieran has three grown up children and currently spends his spare time learning to sail.

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Last updated 16:51 9.03.2023